Monday, March 20, 2023

Will they indict Trump

If the court system goes after the master rat Donald Trump there will be massive hope for our country. Of course it will drive the Hoopleheads nuts. Facing reality is not a strong point for the Hooples. Even though Trump has stacked the court system with Republicans it is still limping along. The courts system is our last hope. The rich have purchased all the politicians, and the possibility of another Republican president could doom our democracy. 

Two days ago the brother in law told Kadizzle how his sister and her husband would just drive a car to until the wheels actually fell off. Too many people run their lives that way. Paying attention to the rattles and squeaks is a crucial part of life. So many Americans live their life in a fog. Walk the dog, that is the fog. Mindless television is the worst snack food for the brain. Talk to a Tea Party Hoople and you soon get a feel for the quality of information they consume. Right wing media is the junk food the Hooples live on. What is the difference between a well planned, well cooked meal and a bag of potato chips? Fox News is potato chips for the Hoople brain. The lies are delicious, and satisfying. 

If you ever have been to an Indian reservation you will see what junk food did to the Native Americans. A proud fit people have been turned into medical disasters on white man food. Now interact with a Hooplehead, same result. Trump is the ultimate junk food. A man with no nutritional value that will clog the arteries of your brain. Gaze on a Trump rally. The answer is there. 

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