Thursday, March 30, 2023

The Covid Test and the news from the Jesus store

The Covid Test Kadizzle just used indicated he has it on the run. The line for indicating positive was very faint. Have not felt that bad. The good news is the fight against the waistline. Have made maybe six pounds progress

 Took a nice motorcycle ride yesterday. Pleased the cycle skills are still sharp. Saw some big tracks either mountain lion or bear. Today the weather has gone to hell. 

Kadizzle went to the Jesus store yesterday. Sure enough the politics rule got violated. Behind the counter Jesus said he had a friend who was part of the Capitol Police system. Jesus said his friend got a memo that the Capitol Police were to welcome the rioters on Jan 6th. 

Kadizzle had been discussing with Jesus how these rumors spread, so Kadizzle said why don't we call your friend and find out what information he actually has. Jesus dialed up someone in New York. The source of the story said his cousin's son got the memo while working at the Capitol. 

This how it always works. Everyone has heard the story " I have an Uncle who works for GM in Detroit, he knows they have  carbonator that will get 100 miles per gallon. The oil companies paid GM not to use it. "

All these stories use the same trick. My Uncles son's neighbor is usually the source. Trump always has proof that the election was rigged by Italian satellites, voter machines, you name it. Would Trump come to court with the evidence, Hell no. 

If you go to a Tea Party Meeting you can fill up a bucket with these unverified lies. It is always a little too far away to get to the source. Republican know every trick in the lying manual. If you want a copy of the lying manual ask Gary Morris.

One trick in the manual is to find someone with the same name. There are 16 people with the same name as Kadizzle in North Dakota. If Gary Morris searched all of them he more than likely could find one who was arrested for assault. That is the claim Gary made on KMOG radio. For Gary's lying it works, but it is a false claim. 

This all reminds Kadizzle of his friend Shanika. The obituary in the Bismarck Tribune fit Shanika perfectly. The man was the same age and had the same name, but it was not him. Phones rang and everyone thought Shanika had passed. It took poor old Shanika until one in the afternoon to come back alive. If you need some tips on lying and spinning go to the Tea Party or just ask Gary Morris. 

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