Thursday, March 09, 2023

Looked at life from both sides now

 Yesterday Kadizzle attended the women's caucus at the Democratic headquarters. In the past Kadizzle has been at the Tea Party meetings with the Hoopleheads. Surely that is both sides. What is the difference? Well one group is well educated, well read, and likes the truth. On the other hand the other group likes a good lie, and would like to see education diluted and destroyed. Who shows up at the Tea Party? If you have a good conspiracy theory, or like to blow some false stories the Tea Party is your place. If you want to meet politicians that want to move the country forward and sell ideas instead of fear the Democrats are your people. 

There is a distinct difference between the armed Hoopleheads, and the Democrats armed with books. Might makes right is the Hoople game. The Hooples have thugs at the door to keep out ideas. The Hooples throw people out of their meetings who will not agree to the lies. No one was ever ejected from a Democratic meeting. 

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