Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Exploiting the Peasants

An age old tradition is exploiting the peasants. The King did not build the castle, the peasants did. Same is true with Mar a Lago. Trump did not pay for it, the people he ripped off did. How does Walmart work? You sell slummers stuffed animals, and crap they don't need. How did Mr. Pillow get rich? He sold the Hoopleheads pillows. Capitalism is based on exploitation. Slavery was straightforward back in the good old days. You simply stole the production of the slaves. Now exploiting has become much more sophisticated. You steal from the dolts with credit cards, title loans, low wages, and private health care. 

At times in history the peasants realize they have been had and revolt. In those times the heads of the exploiters roll off their shoulders. Fooling the peasants is an art the Republicans have perfected. Tell the peasants it is other peasants that are the problem. This has been  trick for centuries. Blame bad times on black people, Irish immigrants, Mexicans, just pick some group, but never mention the guy on top raking in the cash.  

Part of the old slave game was to make sure the slaves could not read. Who knows they might figure things out. One thing the slave owners always realized there were more slaves than slave owners. Same is true today. There are way more peasants than the one percent that own everything. What shall we do? Simple invent Fox News, dumb down the peasants. Fire up the Tea Party. Grass roots stupidity. Lie, lie, and then lie some more. Peasants love being lied to. What better than telling a peasant " You lost because the other side cheated".  Of course the key to exploiting peasants is to make sure they never figure you are the root of their problem. Nope, it is the liberals, the Mexicans, or the drag queens. How simple can it be Frank, Jeff B. and Gary Morris will help you with the course on how to dumb yourself down to the quality of a brick. 

This brings us back to artificial intelligence the current buzz. It is not nearly the treat artificial stupidity is.  Go to a Tea Party meeting and see first hand artificial stupidity in action. 

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