Friday, March 31, 2023

The Pigs are squealing, and the rat trap has been sprung.

The rat trap has been sprung, and will history's greatest cheese thief go to jail. If justice prevails, Trump and his buddies will fill the jails. The Hooples are wailing, and gnashing their teeth. The mother of all liars may have to show up in court. How stupid and deluded can a Hoople be? Just listen to the spinners for Trump. Trump is a saint. Trump is pure as the driven snow. How could anyone question his unblemished life. Only those deep in the cult can deny the reality of the truth raining down on the rat. 

If our democracy is to survive the Trumpster must answer for his crimes. Keep in mind Hooples this is just one of many courts Trump has to face. We need hoards of people yelling "Fake News", and blaming the real media while praising Fox News. 

The Fox News spinner is on full blast. Every worthless liar is stepping up to bathe in the glory of the liar. 

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