Monday, March 06, 2023

Living under a rock

It is 5:38 A.M. , Kadizzle is up and reading NPR.  Of course Frank, and Jeff B will never read NPR.  The article outlines the lawsuit against Fox News for the lying they use as a business model. The question for today is how do Frank, and Jeff B. stay loyal to a company that clearly plays them as fools? How do you feel when you have been lied to.  Once you realize someone lied one time, then you wonder how many other lies have they told you. Trump is a classic liar. Once you believe his first lie you have two choices, believe the second lie, or leave the realm of the liar.  

Believing lies is addicting. Your son or daughter is hooked on drugs or alcohol, you don't want to believe it, so you accept their lies. Soon you have moved into a world of fantasy. That is the point where you join the Tea Party and a bunch of other people that believe the same lies you do. Eventually it always collapses. 

The first thing you have to do to live under a rock is abandon common sense. If Trump were a billionaire as he claims, why would he be selling his silly baseball cards?Why would he cheat college students out of 25 million. Frank and Jeff B. have two choices, first stay away from real news, second yell fake news. When the Titanic is sinking you can yell fake news all you want, but the ship is going down. 

Reality is brutal. You are busted flat because you fell for the Republican religion. Trickle down is really trickle up, but you don't want to face the fact you have been had. Now what do you do? Find a scapegoat. It is not your fault. Biden did it to you. The Democrats did you in. It is those people with college educations that made life confusing.

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