Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Living on dreams isn't easy

How much should you spend for a dream? They sit at the slot machine, they say to the grocery store clerk " Give me a lottery ticket".  It is a dream that just will not happen. The same people who cannot understand math don't have a grasp on reality. The dreamers voted for Trump. The dream was Trump would smite the people who wronged the Hoopleheads. One big problem, the people who wronged the Hoopleheads were the Hoopleheads. Believing in nonsense is what drove the Hooples into the mess they are in. The Hooples are against health care, taxing the rich, and cleaning up the environment. So who made the mess?The Hooples were the enablers that brought us all the glories of trailer parks, slums, people sleeping under bridges, and the spread of Covid. 

Lets be generous, the Hooples are just modern peasants. The Hooples do all the work the aristocrats will not do. Exploiting the Hooples is an age old game. Kari Lake, Wendy Rodgers, and Trump cannot resist a vast pool of gullible poorly educated people waiting to be picked from a tree of ripening dolts. Hoople harvesting is what Fox News does. Want apples? Shake the tree with lies, fantasy, conspiracy. 

Always offer a Hoople an easy solution. A gun is the simplest solution to any problem. Yesterday two dingers got in a shoot out in Phoenix over road rage. If the simple minded want guns give them guns, if they want lottery tickets, give them some. 

Religion was the poison that got the ball rolling. Who ever came up with idea of selling the dream of Heaven knew the rubes were there just waiting to buy in. Give some guys in funny outfits ten percent and you are on your way. No proof, no warranty, and an incomprehensible book to explain why you should give the guy with the funny hat your money. Does it get any better? Then comes the Donald who will sell you his trading cards. Just a refinement on church dues. 

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