Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Do the Hoopleheads really want to get smarter? Of course not

You don't get any smarter following idiots and reading lies. The New York Times has a wonderful article today titled " The most important person you never heard of has the answer to everything".  Now a Hoople could go to the New York Times and read the article, it is actually a video, which is perfect for Hooples, but Frank, Jeff B, and Gary are not be on confronting facts. Basically the article explains how we are burning down the house we live in to stay warm. Thinking like that is no fun, going after liberals and groomers is a lot more fun. 

The old saying " Fat, dumb, and happy" sums it up. You can let someone else do you thinking. It is an American tradition to farm out our thinking. There is a catch when you buy into the think Trump does you get taken. Just like his fake college Trump has fake solutions for everything. Trump posted a picture of himself with a baseball bat that implies he is going to use it on the D.A. after him for hush money. 

If you deal with the Hooples and you offer a solution the best advice to give them is hit it with a baseball bat or shoot it. 

Instead or getting smarter the Hooples zone out on Tucker. Story time with Tucker is the fuel they run on. This comes back to the host on KMOG who does a talk show about current events, but knows nothing about current events. 

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