Saturday, March 04, 2023


Hopefully the recent murder trial will be lesson for the Hoopleheads about truth. Think of Alex Murdaugh as Trump. Alex tried to bend and twist reality, lie, and make up conspiracy theories. It didn't work. There was another party that dug the truth out. Now think of the Tea Party Gang. What do they do? Hoopleheads don't listen to both sides. Hoopleheads only listen to Fox News. Imagine a trial where only the defense gets to speak. That is how the Trump cult works. Only one side is presented. Once the jury was presented with all the evidence, they quickly came to a conclusion. 

The evidence was there, Trump lost, but the Hooples were having no part of that, they tuned into any liar they could find. Keep the truth out. How bad is it? Recently people who have the door open to reality found out the Fox News hosts knew they were lying. The EVIDENCE had been presented. The court case with the voting machine company and Fox brought out the truth. 

Think about it Frank, Jeff B. why does the Trump gang refuse to go to court and testify? The answer is simple. Courts have a way of getting at the truth. Truth is poison to the Trump cult and must be distorted at all cost. 

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