Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Playing on fear

Turn on your KMOG right wing radio and get your daily dose of fear. Fear is the fodder Republicans thrive on. The schools are going to sexualize our children, the liberals are going to .............. fill in the blank, the government is after us, someone is spying on us, Covid is a hoax, the mainstream media cannot be trusted, lookout for the groomers, and what about the drag queens. 

Scare those Hoopleheads and they will give you money. Marjorie Taylor Green quickly got millions for her campaign just by pushing the right Hooplehead buttons.

The more you deal with Hoopleheads you realize they read nothing of substance. The basic book for the Hooples is the Bible, a book two thousand years old full of fantasy, fables, nonsense, myths, murder, sex, and incomprehensible material.

Everytime Kadizzle hears about Bible study it is shocking. What are you studying? Why doesn't God just show up and put on a class? If you sat ten people down and studied gravel you would come to the same conclusions. The Bible allows people to come up with any bizarre idea they want. You can have slaves, you can vote for Trump, just study the Bible until you idea pops out. The Bible wants me to have another cup of coffee. It says " You cup runneth over".

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