Saturday, March 18, 2023

Oh Lord Please let Trump go trial, In the name of Jesus we pray

If there is a god, and if the court system works the ultimate scoundrel will be exposed shortly for the crook he is, the con man he is. Of course the Trumpster has already primed the Hooples for the idea they are after him. If the court system fails to deal with the Trumpster, we are on a serious downhill slide. People just don't see the scorecard. The United States has slipped into a third world country. The rich bought the goverment, the country is falling apart, and the Hoopleheads long for a dictator. We are in deep shit. Ignorance is thriving, the school system is under attack and the banks are exploiting the game. 

All of this will come to a head next week. If Trump gets away with all his crimes we will know for sure the system is broken beyond repair. The people of the United States will clearly see the rich have the judicial system in their pocket. 

Dark money rules. The Hoopleheads don't watch real news, but last night on PBS the news told how one greed dog has put a billion dollars into right wing propaganda and greed schemes. Fooling the Hooples is so easy, just put TVs around with Fox News on. 

Yesterday Kadizzle listened to the local right wing radio station. The host was blowing conspiracy theories up the rectum of the Hooples as fast as he could. The fellow was making excuses for Putin. Imagine that, a radio host promulgating the idea Putin had to invade Ukraine because Ukraine had chemical weapons. The Russians made up this nonsense, and the radio station in Payson, Arizona is promoting Russian propaganda. 

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