Wednesday, March 15, 2023

When you think Mr. Dinger cannot get any more crazy

Riding the ebike up the hill Kadizzle saw the dinger wagon, and not to far away was Mr. Dinger and his wife. They were at the entrance to th property Mr. Dinger owns where he was going to build his enclave of high density homes. That went south and Dinger is not pleased. 

 Now Dinger has another problem. A couple days ago Dinger came across a young couple in the act of making more Trump supporters. In their white car they were engaged in what comes naturally until Mr. Dinger ruined the copulation. Apparently the ensuing conversation was not civil. What is Dinger to do? 

Dinger is determined to block off the small lovers lane. How is he going to do it? This is where the crazy sets in. Dinger and his wife lever a strip of ground two feet wide, and 30ft wide. This strip of ground is where one might put a gate or barrier. Dinger doesn't construct any type of physical barrier, instead Dinger takes a can of bright orange spray paint, and paints on the ground across the entrance " Call 911, 911,911".   Dinger is upset that residence have not reported the reproduction factory. Now imagine if you came across two young people reproducing and you did call 911. The operator would ask what is the emergency. Well two people are in the process of producing a third. Are they breathing? Yes, very heavily. Are they using birth control? Yes, they dropped a condom Dinger refuses to touch. 

Today rain is forecast, and the spray paint Dinger carefully put on the ground will go down the hill. No telling how many of us were concocted in the back seat of a car. Hopefully Dinger's form of birth control will work, or there may be more dingers. 

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