Sunday, February 26, 2023

Why Fox News Lied to the Viewers It ‘Respects’ A New York Times story Frank and Jeff B. will not touch

Here we are back in Payson. Look out the window there are no palm trees in the breeze, instead a mini blizzard. Sort of like the blizzard of lies from Fox News. Fox has taken a beating in the normal press about it's brand of lying. Frank, and Jeff B. don't live in the normal world where truth exist, they live in the world of fantasy, and a world where Trump is president. Story time is at the Ponderosa Bible Church. The kids can sit down and hear scary stories about elections, sex in high school, and of course dangerous liberals. What fun is reality, and besides reality is a little complicated. In Fox world the evil Biden causes train wrecks, wars, high gas prices, and all other problems. Simple solution for simple minds in the heads of simple people. 

What does Fox do now? Most liars use the old technique of just covering one lie with another. No doubt that will be the Fox approach. Those at Fox who broke the trust of the audience by telling the truth will be removed. You know that kid that says there is no Santa Clause or Easter Bunny. That kid has to go.

Fox will also revert to the old diversion trick. You know at the circus as they change acts the clowns come out. Wow, the clowns came out when Biden gave his speech. Republicans have 20 good clowns now. Be assured those clowns will drum up plenty of silly stuff. There will be investigations about Biden causing too much rain, and droughts. The little kids at the Tea Party will cheer and yell for more lies. Fox will come through. The big clown in Florida will surely drum up some excitement. Now the big clown will bring out the giant hammer to bop anyone who runs for president who isn't the Trumpster. The Fox Clown show will regain traction and the lying will go on.  


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