Wednesday, February 08, 2023

What do Hoopleheads look like?

 Would you know a Hooplehead if you saw one? OK, a few sure signs. Of course you got your MAGA hat. Done deal a walking idiot. How about a Trump sign out front. Yup, done deal. Maybe you are in the grocery store. There he is a man with a gun on his hip. Did he vote for Trump? Follow him out to his car and confirm the " Don't tread on me" flag. Yup, you got a ringer.  Knock on the door look over the shoulder, Fox News on the TV.  One more Hoople.  Sometimes you can find Hooples in schools like fish. Try the Tea Party. Try the Trump Store. NRA stickers will give you a tip. OK, time for the test. Look at the picture below and determine if you have a Hooplehead 

Good, you got it right. Now, get in your car and go for a drive. Do you see a run down mobile home with a Trump flag, is the person broke except for social security? What do you have?

How about this one?
Have you ever been in the grocery store and been attacked by the vegetables, the donuts, or the bread? Don't take a chance, the Hooples don't.

Spot the Hoople

Are your kids bored in the car?  Why not play SPOT the HOOPLE. Johnny can shout out " Look mom there's a Hooplehead". Then Mary can say " I see a truckload of them with a Confederate flag, I win".

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