Monday, February 20, 2023

Be careful and you can stay in the dark

Avoiding reality can be done, but you must take care. Do not read NPR today. They blow the lid off Fox News insanity. If you pull back the curtain on Fox, you find the Fox people themselves will tell you lying is their brand. Tea Party people have to be very careful about isolating themselves from the truth. The truth has a bad habit of emerging in unexpected places. However there is a simple solution, just shout Fake News. 

A good strategy for remaining an idiot is finding a good source of crazy ideas. Republicans have fulfilled the market for ignorance with mini Rush Limbaughs. North Dakota has Scott Hennen, and Payson, AZ has their own right wing story teller. These little Fox News style liars are spread like peanut butter across the country. There job on local radio is to amplify insane stories, and paranoid ideas. To put the icing on the mess you can have a group meeting like the Tea Party where a bunch of delusional people reinforce the insanity. When you get the ball rolling you got enough dumbed down people to invade the Capitol.

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