Monday, February 06, 2023


Two right wing dingers frequent our new location. Kadizzle enjoys going back and forth with the dingers on politics. It is a good natured battle. The strange thing about the dingers is they worry about the poor taking from the rich. Republicans are very much against economic fairness, or maybe sharing is a better way to put it. 

This all works out to be very strange. Republicans want to reduce the deficit, but refuse to tax the rich. To reduce the deficit the Republicans want to drive the marginal poor into total poverty. So the Republicans want to take away all the social safety nets from the poor. As if this is not strange enough the Republicans are supported in their insanity by the Hoopleheads. 

If you took 20% away from a Hooplehead it would plunge them into poverty. Taking away 20% from the filthy rich would not phase them. Of course the dingers don't do this math. What if the Republicans succeed in starving the Hoopleheads? It will be the depression all over again. Welcome to tent city Tea Party Hooples. 

The favorite refrain of the Republicans is " It is their money, they earned it".  Nope they stole it.  Kadizzle tried to explain to the dinger yesterday that trust babies are just as much on welfare as the bums on the street.  Why does Johnny the son of rich daddy get an automatic head start? It is not fair, nor does it make sense, but you cannot pound that into the head of a Hoople. If daddy got rich by underpaying a bunch of poor people then daddy has every right to give the money to Johnny. Please explain Frank, Jeff B. 

Now Frank, Jeff B. lets do a lesson on how the Republicans play you. The balloon incident is a classic. Three times balloons from China flew over our country while Trump was president. Now, Trump the supreme liar says " This would never have happened when Trump was president".  Total lying bullshit, but the Hooples never check, and Trump knows it. Now the Republicans are blowing up this incident as usual, and Frank and Jeff B. are soaking up the nonsense. Dancing a Hooplehead is so easy. 

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