Tuesday, February 07, 2023

Jesus is coming to the Super Bowl

There is nothing new about selling religion, but wait maybe there is. The Super Bowl will feature adds for Jesus. Kadizzle has a big problem with modern Jesus. Modern Jesus in Payson drives down the street in a restored Model T.  What happened to the donkey? Modern Jesus goes to the Ponderosa Bible Church to hear Wendy Rodgers lie at the Tea Party Meeting. The new mix of Trump and Jesus should make any person pretending to be a Christian puke. However, Trump and a lot of other con men know that religion points the way to people who can be sold a story. Fleece the flock is an old game. Of course you have to pretend to love the poor, but in reality you want to help the Republicans build a wall and take social security away from old people. Now comes the Super Bowl where you pump up Jesus. One outfit behind this nonsense is Hobby Lobby.  These are the rich people who stole artifacts. Now they are going to sell you some Jesus. Hooples cannot add. Two and Two equals four. Do people stealing artifacts and supporting Trump really believe anything Jesus promoted? Hell no, but a good ad campaign can fix all that. 

No one ever promoted policies harder on black people than Trump, but Trump always makes sure he sprinkles some black pepper on the stage behind him. The crooked preachers have their tricks. Go to a Tea Party meeting. Where is it? The Tea Party in Payson meets in a church. Now, put this in your pipe and smoke it. The Tea Party advocates takine school lunches away from poor children. Yes they sit IN A CHURCH and start their meeting with a prayer, then they talk about starving school children to teach their parents a lesson. Anything wrong with this picture? It can all be cleared up with some more crosses, and some good music. No one will notice you don't practice what you preach until you put the Trump sticker on your car. Normal people will say wait, doesn't Trump fail to pay taxes, divorce wives like fleas, and advocate grabbing women?  Why not have the Christian symbol be a blindfold instead of a cross?

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