Monday, February 20, 2023

Lets see the sunrise

Sylvie is bound and determined to be on the beach in the morning and watch the sunrise. Old Grandpa may have to give in and accommodate the 13 year old . Sylvie has been to many beaches, but it seems like a good request. Sylvie has only been on beaches where the sun set in the west.  An Eastern sunrise may be in order. 

Today was filled with time in the pool and some bike riding through the tropical paradise. Definitely a different planet from our usual mountain home with sprinkles of snow. The desert should bloom this spring from all the moisture. The flowers will pop.

This country is really a country of many subcultures. In North America you could experience many different cultures. The western culture, the California culture, and of course the Northwest. There are many little pockets of people that have a certain culture. You will know when you are in the strong gun culture areas, the redneck and Trump areas, and the prosperous areas. Few places are pure anymore, and that is probably a good thing. Then of course you have the Bible Belt, and the red states. Even within a town there are subcultures. 

This country is more and more a class society. The country has become divided by both wealth and politics. The rich and poor don't sit in the same places and Republicans and Democrats don't socialize like they used to.  Education has separated people. Educated people don't usually live where the blue collar gang does. Of course racial segregation is still in full swing.  The Republicans know deep down there are plenty of hard core racist for them to recruit. No one suffered from racism like Obama. Republicans had a hard time hiding their racism when he was president. The insane obstructionism told the story. Obstructionism is the new norm for Republicans. No matter what Biden does they will play the same games they did with Obama. 

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