Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Jumping wild Monkeyss

Awakening to the wild monkeys jumping in the other room. Two little grandchildren, and one big one. Drawing, putting stickers on things, assembling leggos and on it goes. Nine people in one house with three youngsters is bound to be a noisy day. Yesterday Grandpa spent a lot of pool time forced to play water games with Sylvie. 

Nice to be with the children and see the kids. Time has flown us to the age of 74.  How did we get here?  The Kadizzles are so fortunate. Our two girls have married excellent men and good fathers. Few things can bring greater peace of mind. Every generations claims the next generation is spoiled, but Kadizzle is sure it is true. Little Quinn the grandson got more birthday presents than Grandpa ever got in his life at Christmas. The art supplies of these kids would supply an old fashioned kindergarten for years. 

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