Wednesday, February 08, 2023

Mrs. Bumore takes a vacation day

Kadizzle had to check on his saleslady twice today to see if she was at her post .  Bumore had to take a vacation day to recover from her day in jail.  Bumore said the jail was crowded and she had to sleep on the floor. Kadizzle asked Bumore if she took a shower at the jail. Nope, they would not give her a towel. 

This brings us to one of Kadizzle's favorite quotes. " The law is fair, the rich man and the poor man are fined the same for sleeping under the bridge".   How silly to put a woman in jail over night for a traffic violation. Bumore said it was not all bad they reduced the fine from $750 to $250.  Bumore is broke, so she has no way to pay anything. To make matters worse Bumore was thinking about getting a title loan on her car.  Now how would that work out. Bumore would lose the car. Why does our system drive people in poverty further into poverty? Bumore sleeps in her car. The weather has been cold at night, so now the judicial system will figure a way to make Bumore sleep under a tarp?

Trump is a criminal of the worst sort, but he is a rich criminal and if you ever need to see how rich criminals are treated differently you need only look at Trump. Rich criminals buy their way out of problems. Trump has committed every kind of fraud and crime imaginable, even attacked the Capitol with his thugs, yet he live the life of luxury plotting more crimes. 

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