Friday, February 17, 2023

Do you want to be smarter? Not really.

Kadizzle cannot get Frank, and Jeff B. to read anything well written, so Kadizzle will try to get through to them with this piss poor writing. The topic is education. Just try it Frank, Jeff B. it will not kill you, read Paul Krugman in the New York Times today. Krugman talks about how Republicans hate education. They claim it is liberal propaganda. Now think about it boys, is gravity liberal propaganda? Well it does cause car wrecks. Republicans know science is a nuisance, and math is even worse. Math says Trump lost, bad math. Science says you cannot set the house on fire you live in, in this case planet Earth. What are we going to do Frank, Jeff B.? Well let's destroy education, problem solved. If kids drop out and hand drywall they will not be pesky about the way numbers are used to cheat them out of social security. The guy driving the garbage truck votes Republican and firmly believes black people are just lazy and have no real bitch about the way they have been treated.  Keeping garbage Willy from books works fine for the Republicans. Stupid uninformed voters get the Republicans what they want, some Majorie Taylor Greens, and a few George Santos liars. Throw in Kari Lake, Wendy Rodgers, and the champ the Trumpster. 

Every high school has some dumbass football coach teaching history, as if that is not bad enough the Republicans want dumbasses to teach all subjects. The teacher can just say, " You really don't need to know this stuff to work at McDonalds." 

Back to those pesky numbers they use in math class. No matter how you slice and dice the numbers educated people make more money, and live better lives.  No they don't that is just propaganda from liberal professors. Fake News.  You can do just fine as a welder. Of course you may have to lay on your back in the snow in Montana welding a pipe, or get in a boiler at midnight, but you will be fine until you reach about 60, then the job gets a little cumbersome, but wait you can retire, nope, the Republicans took social security away, did you forget. Social security is socialism, and it is a lot like education,  it interferes with tax cuts for the rich Frank, Jeff B. So lets get to work and keep any decent person from being a teacher. Just send the kids to religious school and let Jesus tell them how to do it. Of course Jesus lately has told them to vote for Trump. Old Jesus is a trickster. All good Christians want the world to end so they can go to Republican heaven. The casinos in heaven give away more free games, and the meals are cheaper. You can also win free answers to prayers. 

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