Thursday, February 23, 2023

Stay away from reality

How can you cook up thirty or forty people completely out of touch with reality? The Tea Party has the answer. First find people willing to believe. Once you have a person willing to step outside reality, then the rest will come easy. First, don't trust your eyes. Your eyes and ears told you Trump sent the people to the Capitol to smash windows and hang Mike Pence. Nope, Frank, and Jeff B. know it was fake news, what really happened is the story on right wing radio. Put simply it was not Trump. Just pick the story you like, but make sure it is not what your eyes and ears told you. Your eyes and ears lie, but Tucker Carlson, Fox, and Hannity tell you the truth. Wait, we know they know it is not the truth, but you believe it. Remember thinking is not important, believing is. If you go to church, you don't think, you believe, that is why the Tea Party meets at a church, the perfect place to believe. Who won the election? We all know. Knowing is so different from believing. Believing you can fly will get you killed when you jump from a building, knowing gravity will kill you will save your life. Now, Frank, Jeff B. do you see the difference between knowing and believing?

Of course this all leads back to knowledge. Knowledge comes from reading truthful things. Bulletin, right wing propaganda is not truthful. Another important concept for the Hoopleheads is conspiracy theories. Yes, people can just make things up. Trump does it all the time, so does Fox and the rest of the gang. Why do con men make up stories? Yup Frank, you got it.  Con men seek to defraud you, just like Trump, and the people who advertise on right wing radio. Sadly erection problems cannot be solved with a gun, a big truck, or a pill Jeff B. There is something called age that effects your little buddy, and your brain. Once your brain starts to go, you go. Where do you go? You go to the Tea Party meeting. Nothing works better than outsourcing your thinking. Fox, and the Tea Party will do all your thinking for you. No more thinking, just listen and repeat. 

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