Saturday, February 11, 2023

The Tea Party Rule Book

Kadizzle asked the Tea Party to provide a copy of the new rules that exclude him. Nothing has shown up. Kadizzle was told by the supreme commander of the Payson Tea Party he is not allowed to attend the Klan meetings. 

Originally Kadizzle was told that if he came to the meetings and behaved he was welcome. Nope, that was not true. Kadizzle did go to the meetings and never said anything. What caused the kerfuffle was the reporting on this blog. 

Now imagine this, if you went to a Klan meeting and then came home and reported that at the meeting people were wearing their bedsheets. Would the Klan throw you out? Cults are like religion, you have to believe, and accept the doctrine. Remember when that fellow said the Earth was round?  The Catholic church wanted him killed. The problem the Church had was the Earth was round. The Tea Party cannot come to grips with the liars the Republicans have elected. If you are going to be in the Tea Party and a member in good standing you have to accept the lies Kari Lake, Donald Trump, and the rest of the gang tell as truth. 

Back to the meetings. When someone at the meeting acts absurd, says something absurd, you are not to let the general public know. Secret societies are secret for a reason. The reason usually is what they believe is not supported by reality.  Don't break the bubble is the command of the day. Don't watch anything but Fox, the bubble might be broken. The last thing the Hoopleheads want at a meeting are bubble breakers. 

A good question would be why in the hell would you want to go to a Tea Party Meeting? Our society is infected with ignorance. How does that ignorance spread?  Right wing conspiracy accounts for a lot of evil we have to live with. To stamp out the virus you have to observe where it comes from.  Liars, lying to liars is the root cause of a lot of the problems we face today. Killing those lies in the early stage is critical. That is why decent honest people need to participate in the crazy clubs of the Tea Party and the Republican Party.  

The crazy clubs don't want anyone standing up and saying " That just isn't true".   Certainly the crazy clubs don't want any hard questions when they invite a liar to give a talk. The Bible is full of strange contradictions.  When you go to church you are not allowed to point out the fact that on many occasions God murdered thousands of innocent children. It say so right there in the Bible God wiped out entire populations, and entire towns. Well we just don't talk about that. That is the Tea Party. The lies of Trump and his gang are right there, but we just overlook them. 

There he is, a Trump supporter. The picture is real, and it says a lot about Trump. What do you do if you are a Tea Party Republican? Well you have the evidence right in front of you. Nope, rather than see the picture for what it is you quickly cook up a story. It was Qanon, Antifa, or some other gang, it was not the good Jesus Republicans. This is how the Hoopeheads deal with the truth. No matter how plain, how obvious, you just deny it. 

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