Wednesday, February 08, 2023

Artificial intelligence, How about artificial stupidity?

 All of a sudden people worry about artificial intelligence. The real problem is artificial stupidity. How does that work? It does not take a computer or a computer program. All you have to do is give a speech to the Hooples using a few key gambits. Sex is important. Mixing sex with children really works if you are creating artificial stupidity for the Hooples. Now here are some sex suggestions, LGBQT, Groomers, Drag Queen shows, and bad books in the library. Always be sure to bring these things up at a Hooplehead meeting. 

We covered sex, now go on to the welfare cheats. Tell the Hooples how the welfare cheats are getting free phones, food, housing, and you name it. Maybe tell a story about when you were in the grocery store and saw a welfare cheat buying steak. That always works. 

You can do a rif on vaccinations, but that has sort of gone out of style. Don't forget to mention China. China works great for the Hooples. Tell them somehow the Bidens are making a fortune out of China, and Trump would have shot the balloon down. 

If you got the Hooples dancing mention Hunter Biden's laptop, and how we need to investigate it, but that routine is about worn out. Be sure to bring up the border. If you don't keep pumping on the border fiasco, then some of the Hooples in the audience may fall asleep. 

You got the idea how artificial stupidity works, you just make up stories and tell the story to the Hoopleheads. Alway mention that you have an uncle that saw something, or of course the government is hiding something. Hooples love that kind of stuff.  

Remind the Hooples that everything was just peachy when Trump was giving tax breaks out like hot dogs. Don't mention the price of gas unless you are very careful. The price is coming down, best not to bring it up.  

If you get desperate mention how Trump would have never let the war in Ukraine happen. Trump knows two secret words that could end the war.  Maybe the two words are " Jail Trump".  Just kidding you could give a Hoople a heart condition if you told the truth about the Trumpster. 

Some of this crap is getting old, but you can still harp on the election that was stolen, Kari Lake is still using that one. 

So you want to give a speech using artificial stupidity and you ran out of ideas. Can you be that stupid? Tune into Fox, Hannity, and Tucker are cranking out new conspiracy theories at the speed of stupidity. 

At the end of your speech open it up for questions. This is what they do at the Tea Party.  A lot of time a Hoople will start his question with some bizzare thing. Let him do it, then add to the silly story the Hoople just gave you. 

Now if all else fails bring up guns, and school. This is a sure way to light the flame in a Hoople brain short on oxygen. Creating artificial stupidity in Hooples can be profitable. Majorie Taylor Green raised  three million just acting like a right wing clown. Imitate, imitate, when you hear something stupid or go to a Trump rally, watch what the Hooples bite on. Then go home to the meeting and use the same stuff. 

Now to wrap it up. When you are spreading stupidity make sure you have guards at the door like the Tea Party does. The last thing you want is someone popping up asking intelligent questions.  

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