Sunday, December 22, 2019

You never grow up

As a young person Kadizzle thought when you got older things would make sense.  Now that he is seventy he must concluded it just does not happen.  We are all wandering in the wilderness.  Each of us floats in our own delusion.  For some it is religion, for others some insane pursuit of money, and on it goes.  Winky likes bird watching, Kadizzle likes people watching.  The habitats and actions of people are endless.  You have some people infected with thumper.  Of course every country has some thumper people.  You know those people who drive some loud contraption and drive around announcing they are alive.  The IQ on that bunch needs recharging.

Here in God's little paradise you have the wandering lost kids in their twenties.  The world is a theme park to them.  Somehow they manage to mate up.  Among the young you have the tattoo tribe.  That tribe also believes strongly in boring holes in their bodies.  Drilling holes in your body and filling them with rings seems strange to old Kadizzle, but it must bring some mental pleasure.  When these portable junkyards get older will they keep the rusted nose ring?  Tattoos don't look so good once they are subjected to older bodies.  Kadizzle could have had an apple tattooed on his stomach, now it would be a pumpkin.

Life makes no sense.  Kadizzle keeps repeating to himself what Albert Einstein said " Life is not stranger than you think, it is stranger than you can think".  Indeed, indeed.  Life is just plain confusing.  Everyone is searching for something that is just not there.   A lot of people have fun being scared and worrying.  Mrs Karbunckle who runs this place likes to watch crime shows and serial killers.  She brought up an interesting point.  Karbunkle asked why doe the United States have so many serial killers.  Never thought of it, but it is a popular sport in the U.S.  All Kadizzle could figure is we mistreat so many children were bound to have more.  Mrs Karbunkle turned to Willy Electronics and asked him if he could think of any New Zealand serial killers.  He might have been able to come up with one poor example.  Next Mrs Karbunkle remarked about how easy it is to kill your wife in the U.S. where everyone has a gun.  Yup, if the old lady sasses you just shoot her.  Guns are so handy, and such good problem solvers.  We have taken it to a new level when we go to other countries and show them how well we can kill problem makers.   Fortunately here in New Zealand they seem to solve problems rather than shoot them.

Little Joey is up and already thinking about breakfast.  Little Joey want to go out and eat.  The day before yesterday Kadizzle took little Joey to an eating place along a wonderful river in the forest.  Kadizzle was the only customer.  It  was just bacon and eggs, but they did it up right.  The bacon was the Canadian style with a couple large slabs, plenty of eggs, and lots of toast along with some has browns.  It was not the sorrowful looking plate  you would get in our country.  Hard to say our country any more.  Now it seems like it is Trump's country.  A land full of idiots begging to be robbed and exploited.  Got to stop or Kadizzle will go off the deep end ranting.

Oh well, what they hell, just a little rant note.  The simple minded " Christians" seem to be having a bit of an awakening.   A couple editorials by Christians have begun to appear calling Trump into account.  The very best is a rag Billy Graham started had an excellent editorial calling for the riddance of Trump.  This is what we call a self correcting problem.  Christianity is being destroyed by Trump.  It is like rats poisoning other rats.  Does it get any better Omar?

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