Thursday, December 19, 2019

The young travelers

OK, Kadizzle discovered woofers today.  What in the hell are woofers? Woofers are young people who travel by working for a place to stay.  There are twelve woofers here.  Kadizzle has had a great time talking to two of the woofers. Both young men are good looking and would make nice mates for some nice young girl.  The one woofer wants to be an architect.  So we buzzed about that for awhile.  Then Kadizzle suggested to him, as he did another young guy the other day that he bum rides on sailboats.  He liked the idea so Kadizzle gave the second sailing lesson of the day.  The first lesson was to a computer programer young guy who is taking lessons at the pie shop to carve wood.  You have to admire these young people.  They all are just experimenting with life.  Woofer number too has been wandering for five years. He is doing his first attempt at making banana bread.  The bread should be ready in twenty minutes and of course Kadizzle managed an invitation.   Kadizzle suggested he throw walnuts into the mix, and he liked the idea.  Kadizzle hitch hiked across the country twice.  Never did any woofing.  It is good for young people to get out and taste the world.

Staying at this hostel has been fun.  Met both the owners and they have been very nice.  Have not seen the girl from the Shetland Islands for awhile.  Need to talk to her some more to see how we can go there.  90 percent of people are wonderful, then you have Trump and his gang.  Thought I might not bring it up eh?   These young people are very conscious about the environment, which is a good sign.  Of course you have the other simple minded idiots with the big pick up trucks roaming the streets of Hazen.  In the end Kadizzle is betting on the intelligent to overcome the mass of idiots that have demonstrated their presence in the U. S.   Have met so many nice people and really enjoyed talking with them.  Now Kadizzle has to google woofers and find out more .

Ok, checked on Woofers.  Seems like a great idea.  Look it up.  Kadizzle has been telling the woofers they can come to North Dakota and clean for us.  It would be a great deal for a woofer.  We would gladly feed them if they acted like servants for a few hours per day.  It appears woofers are expected to work four to six hours per day.  Kadizzle would settle for two hours.  Just do the dishes, empty the garbage, and do what Winky says a few times. You might have to help cut the grass.  Any woofers reading this please apply.  We will have many fringe benefits like wine,  ect.

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