Sunday, December 22, 2019

Bumbling Around Nelson

Nelson, New Zealand is a very vibrant town about the Size of Bismarck.  Seems so strange to see the shops so full of people in the middle of their summer here shopping for Christmas.  Mr Electronics told me where to eat breakfast.  Again he was right.  Kadizzle had the most enjoyable pancakes. Little Joey almost died from ecstacy.  First, they were giant fluffy buttermilk pancakes.  Then came the berries, and ice cream, along with what must have been some sort of custard.  Little Joey has had some memorable food moments here in New Zealand. 

At breakfast Kadizzle sat with a nice guy his age.  Of course we got into the political state of the world and you know who.  The gentleman was intelligent and had a better grasp on U.S. politics than any Republican or Fox News flunky.  The man had a great idea.  He suggested all the other countries of the world boycott the U.S. unless we dump the dolt.  Seems like a great idea.  This guy said it will take many years for the U.S. to restore it's credibility in the world.

Wandering down the street Kadizzle paid his five bucks to go into the museum.  The museum featured the history of Nelson, and had a traveling display about the moon.  The moon exhibit was very well done and one of the neatest parts was a scale model of the moon that lit up from the inside. The model was about fifteen feet high and rotated.  Somehow the model was made from actual photos of the moon that some satellite must have taken.  Maybe if the energy comes Kadizzle can post a video.  What really struck Kadizzle in the moon portion was how long ago that was.  Part of the exhibit had you sit in a room with the furniture of the time and listen to the broadcast on the radio.  It was like going back into the twenties. They had some launch equipement there that look like such old technology.  Now this will knock you r socks off.  There were actual moon rocks there you could smell.  They had the rocks crushed up like gravel and then you put a puff of air through the rocks.  Now this will sound phony, but you can swear on Honest Omar's Bible this is true.  The moon rocks smell like cheese.  Unbelievable, but true.  How could a nation that had the technology elect a dolt like Trump?  It is embarrassing to be an American at this point. The guy back at the pancake kingdom said we are going into the dark ages.  He might be right.  The United States biggest export now is waste, right wing stupidity, and greed.  Now someone might be thinking.  Kadizzle, why don't you just move.  Very tempting, but my kids don't have the luxury.  When you get a hole in your roof, you fix it, you don't  move.  Our country has a hole problem.  It is an asshole president.

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