Saturday, December 07, 2019

Jungle out the window

Middle of the night and time for a pee.  Took the host out to dinner at a Tia restaurant.  Wonderful meal. Before this trip Winky and Kadizzle ate at a Tia place in Phoenix which held the title for the worst Tia place in the world.  Fortunately this one may have been the best.  The desert was fantastic.

The airbnb Kadizzle is lodged at is some kind of a kit home from way back that was made in New Zealand.  The design is very nice and the place has a little tropical atrium in the middle which brings in light so nicely.  The air here is clean, fresh, and the place is so quiet.  The host says the birds will go nuts in the morning.  She said the first white people here had to move the boat far off shore to sleep because the birds were so loud.

The plan will be to stay here another night and drive around to some local sights.  One bit of advice do not drink more than one glass of wine and try to drive on the left side of the road. Just sayin. Was in the car with a fat guy and he made a couple mistakes.  Nothing serious, but it takes all your concentration. It is sort of like walking backwards.

Almost forgot the most important part of the evening.  After dinner the host got in the car and started singing Halaluja I am Bum.  Out of the clear blue sky she started singing.  Now this song has always been very special to Kadizzle and it totally blew his mind.  Few people anywhere know the song, but here was a lady in New Zealand singing an old Woody Gutherie song about the depression. 

Was going to print the lyrics here, but just discovered there are way more versus to the song than Kadizzle ever knew of.  So many are so good.  So it is up to you google the lyrics and enjoy, but I am too lazy in the middle of the night to do it for you.

Now Kadizzle might get in trouble with the women for writing this, but even as an old man he appreciates pretty girls.  Not like Trump and Epstien of course, but the blend of so many nationalities here produces wonderful flowers.   The waitresses at the restaurant were dressed in colorful dresses of their culture.  Daughter Megan would have appreciated the material and design.  Have to say once more how nice the air is here and it is so silent the room has great big windows that open onto the jungle and that old cool air gently comes in.  Feels so much like West Virginia when Kadizzle was a kid.

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