Tuesday, December 03, 2019

There She Goes

Winky is going to take off with the trail crew to spend the day on the Chillocut Trail.  Kadizzle will stay back at the Earth Module and make some modifications to the Yamaha.  Tomorrow is the big day Kadizzle will blast off for New Zealand.  That long plane flight is looming.

The peace and tranquility of the desert is comforting.  Yesterday we toured the campground areas.  Not a soul is taking advantage of this place.  Very sad. 

Read Paul Krugman in the NYT today.   Areas with a heavy Republican vote are experience death at a younger age.  Greed is actually killing the Trump people. 

There has been so much rain the desert is sprouting grass at an odd time of year.  While thinking about the NYT there is another interesting article about air pollution around the world.  The graphics are very educational, give it a try.

Winky reports the solar lights at the executive suite, more commonly known as the out house, failed.

Trump is a sleeze beyond compare.  The simple woman he appointed as his spiritual advisor is such a grifter.  She is telling people to send her 229 dollars based on a bible verse. This is if you are rich.  If you are poor you should add up the numbers and send her 31 dollars.  Having a crooked televangelist for a spiritual advisor is perfect for Trump.

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