Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Half the Day done

Hopped in the red bug and drove to Piahia.  At least that was the plan.  Drove too far and ended up at the ferry to Russell.  It turned out to be a good mistake.  Wandered around the humongous yacht basin.  In the course of wander Kadizzle figured out he could take the car ferry for a dollar.  Seemed like a great way to get out to sea cheaply.  After boarding the ferry Kadizzle asked one of the attendants how far the ferry went.  " Just over there"  was the answer.  The attendant said " You could swim".  It was a short ride, but enjoyable.  Kadizzle asked one of the worker bees about the tides.  He said go up and ask the Captain.  Kadizzle went up to the ship's helm and had a nice ride with the Captain.  After some chatting the two way trip ended.

There is not a straight or level stretch of road in this who country.  As you drive you are either going up, down, or around.  The revised plan for this afternoon will be to wander down the stream behind the bnb and walk to another waterfall.  Might find a good lunch place, wait there is a good lunch place by the Stone House.  So walk, eat, walk back.

Sitting here with the big sliding doors open.  No flies here.  Mark Twain hated flies.  Twain would think God finally got it right. 

At the marina Kadizzle checked into hopping a ride to Samoa or Tahiti.  Nope, the lady said it is the wrong time of year, all the boats are coming back.  The bad weather hits there now.  Maybe next year.

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