Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Ninety Mile Beach

Winky has been complaining about a lack of pictures.  Dealing with pictures is not easy.  Seem to be problems getting facebook to upload stuff.  A bit of a dilemma today. Booked this room for two nights, but common sense set in and it make little sense to stay here tonight.  Kadizzle was going to drive to the very northern tip of New Zealand, but it would be four hours of driving to make the round trip.  It looks like it would just be up this narrow strip of beach to a lighthouse. Kadizzle may try to talk the airbnb person into a bit of a refund and head down the east coast today.  The next big gambit is to go to the south island.  New Zealand has had a few natural problems since the visit.  First, of course is the volcano.  The news media here is having a blast with that story.  Then next problem is flooding on the south island.  Tourist were stranded on the south part of that island.  It seems a plane trip  is the logical way to get there.

Like a bit of an idiot Kadizzle drove his little peanut car out onto the beach yesterday.  To get out there the car had to go through a little stream right as the beach started.  Some sort of luck got Kadizzle across in a shallow place.  Some Maori guys in a truck were surprised to see Kadizzle out on the beach with the tiny car.   Going back off the beach Kadizzle tried to cross the  stream in the same place.  Did not get it quite right and almost did not make it.  All seems to have worked out OK, but all that sand in the drive train may not be a good thing.  If a wheel falls off today the verdict will be in.

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