Sunday, December 08, 2019

A Clean Place

New Zealand people are very environmental.  Just went to the grocery store.  Asked for a bag. They looked at me like I had a mental problem.  No grocery bags anywhere.  Very nice.  People take a bag to the store.  The net result is no trashy streets.  On the way back from the store Kadizzle realized that when  you live on an island you realize many things the dolts in our country do not.  The world is an island.  There is just so much to go around.  Here people realize there is x amount of water, x amount of everything.  Just talked to a man about his house.  It was a new home and was for sale.  A very nice home. The owner explained to me the home had a huge tank to catch rainwater. It is the law.  This keeps the streams from rising quickly.  Also it supplies water for the yard and home.  Of course the home has city water.  One thing that really stood out was how well the home was built.  It was not a shoddy two by four mess like we have.  It was a house built to last.

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