Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Three out of four

This is airbnb number four.  Winky warned old Kadizzle about the perils of not planning.  However, luck has been fantastic.  Only one out of four chosen at the last moment was a dud.  The current place is just amazing.  The owners never mentioned the acres of landscaping.  Kadizzle asked the owner if there was a good walk nearby.  Good, wow, it was fantastic.  Right off his yard is a jungle valley with a very nice waterfall.  The accommodations are fantastic.  When Kadizzle drags Winky down here this is one of the two places we will stay for sure.

As I explore this paradise Kadizzle keeps thinking of his wife.  She would be having visual orgasms there is so much wonderful plant life.  It would take her an hour to go a yard.  She would have to stop and sniff everything.  The wife of the airbnb just gave me a little tour of her vegetable garden.  They have something that looks just like rhubarb, but she assured me it is not. You can eat the leaves.  She had me taste another leaf that had a very strong lemon flavor.

According to the owner the oldest building in New Zealand is a short walk down the jungle stream.  May go down there in the afternoon.

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