Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Airbnb reality show

Kadizzle just finished a long fun cackle with a couple probably in their mid fifties.  The woman could cackle as well as Kadizzle. Now to the point. It would make a great reality show just if someone filmed the interactions in these places.  In a few short hours Kadizzle has had conversations all over the place with what seems like every type person.  There is the owner, Mrs Karbuncle, the guy who lives in the hole in the ceiling, and the other guy who apparently ran away from his wife.  The runaway guy calms himself down by  tearing apart electronic stuff and repairing it.  His room is stuffed with electronics. He has about eight computers, and bins of all sorts of components.  As a hobby he fixes the stuff and sells it.

Mr Computer recycler told Kadizzle where to go for a late lunch.  The meal was very good.  It was some sort of excellent chicken pasta with big noodles, and mushrooms.  It was different, plentiful, and very good.  Unfortunately it was not cheap. It cost damn near as much as the room for the night.  Kadizzle may stay here one more night on the airbnb chisel system. If it goes as planned Kadizzle can stay another night for around thirty five dollars.  Although the place is a mishmash it is clean and some parts are new.

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