Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Old Goat

There are 52 young people probably around twenty years old wandering around this hostel like bees.  All these kids are cooking and doing their own laundry.  It is good to see the countries getting mixed up.  Their might be a family on the Kiwi bus traveling with children, and one young football fan said he is traveling with his dad. They love American football.  If old Kadizzle was young Kadizzle the Kiwi bus might be a good place to find another Winky.  At least these kids have a sense of adventure.  So many people have been so nice on this trip.  The girl from the Shetland Islands who runs the office has been fun to talk to.  She has a certain mannerism that must be peculiar to their country.  I think Christine is her name.  Kadizzle told Christine we could hike to the waterfall together. One problem, she is supposed to work today.  If Kadizzle sees the boss, who is a very nice man, he will ask the boss to give Christine the day off.  She has only worked here a month and has not seen much in the area.  Traveling sure refreshes the mind. 

This reminds Kadizzle of an older couple we met in the campground at Windy Hill.  The man was a nuclear physicist. With his wife they lived most of the year in a small van.  They did a lot of reading. The man told me that every year they take three months to visit a different country. He said one requirement is that the country does not speak English.  That is a good plan to experience the world.

Seven minutes until the dryer is done.  Maybe one more cup of coffee, the instant coffee is not that bad.  Soon will have to get out of my fuzzies and let the day unfold.  If the damn weather will cooperate should be a good day.  It was nice having the rain on the roof here.  This place has a bizzare system of roofs and the water runs through a maze to get to the ground.  Looks like the Kiwi bus is getting ready to blast off.

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