Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Bike Ride

At last Kadizzle got to take a bike ride.  No ebike, it is just an old fashioned peddle bike that comes with the bnb.  Nice ride along an old railway they made into a wonderful bike trail.  Ninety percent of the trail is landscaped.  New Zealanders would landscape anything with dirt on it.  They love gardening.  The exercise will do a lot of good for little Joey.  Probably went ten or fifteen miles.  Was going to buzz around downtown, but it looked like rain, so Kadizzled returned. 

The number of ebikes in New Zealand is astounding.  An old guy on the bike path with an ebike remarked how it is getting the old goats going again, so true.  Ebikes make so much sense.  The price of gas here must be between six and eight dollars per gallon.  That is one reason ebikes make a lot of sense.  Eighty dollar fine if you do not wear a bike helmet.

It was bound to happen, Kadizzle met his first Trump supporter.  The lady that runs the bnb say she doesn't read or pay attention to anything, but thinks Trump is great.  Strangely a guy is sitting across from me has his head on right and he understands what a hopeless idiot Trump is.  As Kadizzle is writing this he stopped to talk to Mrs. bnb about guns in America.  Even she cannot believe the gun insanity in our country.   Kadizzle tried to explain to bnb how the politicians play on the gun nuts.  This seems like it will be an interesting place.  Some young guy twenty just came down from a hole in the ceiling.  Apparently he lives up there.  Could save some money staying here, but am tempted to go back to luxury.  Luxury is boring .  The other guy here is probably in his forties and smokes hand rolled cigarettes.  A pack of cigarettes here is like seven or eight dollars.  Mrs Karbunckle does not allow smoking inside.  Little Joey is acting up after the bike ride.  Maybe we can give little Joey a treat if he can hold off until later in the day.

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