Monday, December 09, 2019

West Virginia on Steroids

As Kadizzle drove, and drove through the endless winding roads of New Zealand heading North he kept thinking how much New Zealand is like his old home state of West Virginia.  Just turn up the volume.  The green is greener,  the mountains are a little bigger and steeper, but the most important thing is the vegetation.  The forest are more jungle than forest.  The variety and density of plant life is amazing.  With little Winky for a wife Kadizzle kept thinking how the old forester would absolutely go nuts looking at the plant life here.  Did see two pheasants today.  Had no idea they were here.

Stopped twice to look at the first and second largest trees in New Zealand.  They are as big around as redwoods, but don't have the height.  At the largest tree in New Zealand Kadizzle had an epiphany.  On our sailing lake in North Dakota Kadizzle came  across a tree fossil.  It was an amazing huge tree trunk. Today Kadizzle saw that tree alive.  The bark was the clue.  Here was Kadizzle looking at a live specimen of a multimillion year old fossil in North Dakota.

Kadizzle just settled down in his new airbnb.  The room is very nice, and it also has a nice bathroom, but the outside of the place is very disorderly.  Who every runs this place is not home.  Kadizzle had a bit of a problem finding the separate entrance to his dwelling.  So Kadizzle accidently walked through the home.  Apparently the people have kids.  Someone must have thrown several disorder bombs in their home.  Toys and junk were scattered everywhere.  Thank ya Jesus this room is nice, orderly and clean.

The home has a wonderful view of the beach, but you cannot see it from my room.  It looks like an incredible beach.  It is called 90 mile beach, and it just might be.  Will have to go to town for supplies and to check the area out.  This is just about as far North as you can go in New Zealand.  Perhaps tomorrow Kadizzle will go to the light house at the very tip and see if he can see home.

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