Sunday, December 29, 2019

A Promise of Sunshine

The sun is making a spectacular show on the Four Peaks.  Perhaps the lord will shine upon us today.  The Kadizzles have been encapsulated in the Earth Module for too many days.  Kadizzle would like to hike up to a waterfall.  The lake we sit by is coming up quickly, and streams are running that have not had a drop in a long time.

Kadizzle has some sort of dread mahooch from the airplane.  Nothing works like an aircraft for mixing up and distributing germs.  First it was in the throat, then it moved down by Little Joey, now it has gone to the head.

Sometimes you win sometimes you lose.  Kadizzles old friend Ken the garage sale magnate gave Kadizzle a Snap on Multi Tool.  The tool became dysfunctional.  Snap On Tool company claims they have a lifetime guarantee so Kadizzle decided to test them.  Kadizzle sent them the broken tool and indeed they sent him one that they have in their catalogue for $179.   The flip side of the problem is the car rental company in New Zealand that charged about 700 dollars to the credit card because there was a small nick in the bumper.  Kadizzle doubts the veracity of this scam, but you win some you lose some.  Life has a constant up and down.  Returning home Kadizzle found a couple of check came in the mail from nowhere for about three hundred dollars.  In a strange twist Kadizzle got four times the original offer for some mineral rights.  The man called originally and offered fifty dollars.  Kadizzle said " Why don't you just make it one hundred" .  They did.  Next they made some mistake in the signature process and Kadizzle had to sign the lease again.  Jokingly Kadizzle told them of the hardship of signing a second time, and thought they should give him another hundred dollars.  They did.

Seems like the Bismarck Tribune has cut back on the number of letters from the gang of three.  That would be Kadizzle and two other liberals that keep the paper in business.  Today they published Kadizzle's letter critical of ministers.  Basically the letter said " You broke it, you fix it".  It was the gutless preachers who brought us Trump.  None of them had the courage to confront the orange nightmare.  Everyone have a good day and maybe next year they will impeach the rat.

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