Tuesday, September 19, 2023

The most destructive force on Earth

Having just returned from the Kadizzle world tour here are some thoughts. Spain was the country Kadizzle just visited. Kadizzle saw in Spain the remnants of what religion has wrought. The human capital wasted on religion added to the wars, hate, and destruction brought about by religion surely take the cake for the biggest blight on humanity. Accidently religion did have some minor benifits, but on the whole man kind would be light years ahead if not plagued by the mafia run church. To this day scoundrels are still bilking the ignorant with all the old games of the religious con game. 

Religion's greatest accomplishment was allowing people to believe things that are simply impossible and untrue. Of course that leaves the door open for people like Trump, the popes and others to run rampant. 

One you leave the real world of physics, logic, and common sense you are on the path to disaster. Selling false hope is the biggest racket ever concocted. Churches have always collected and hoarded cash. Both the Mormons, and the Catholics have billions that could help people, but hell no just build more cathedrals. Total insanity. 

Read history, then try to make a case religion did more good than harm. All over the world warring factions usually get their start from religion. It is universally true. Look at how children suffered from religion. Young children were raped, put in prison like orphanages, and abused in every fashion by religion. 

The worst  crime religion every committed was stealing the minds of the young with silly stories, propaganda, and threats of hell. In modern times it is religion that got Trump elected, suppressed women, and continued on the path of suppression of ideas. 

Lets grow up, and take responsibility for the planet. Lets quit asking God to do what we should do. 


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