Saturday, September 30, 2023

The attack of the Drag Queens.

The Drag Queen show went off without a hitch. It was not really a show, it was a bunch of people celebrating their right to be different. KMOG radio, and all the right wing dingers portrayed it as an assault on children. Four brave masked men were on the highway at the entrance to the rodeo grounds with their sign warning against " groomers".  The Commander and Kadizzle attended the event. Children were present and having a good time. There was good music and some very good performances. Nothing to fear, unless you are a Republican. 

Kadizzle could not help himself, he had to ask the masked men why they wore mask. Kadizzle pointed out to the brave protesters that if they really believed in their position they would be proud to show their faces. Apparently they gave up early when they found a poor market for right wing hate. 

Payson has a very good police force that understands the crazy right wing people who live here. The police force understands civil rights. Unfortunately the right wing Hoopleheads don't believe anyone has the right to disagree with them. When ever the Hoopleheads propose a threat the Payson Police are always there to protect civil rights. They do a great job. 

The simple minded dingers love to portray anyone who does not follow the dinger culture as a groomer. Groomers recruit children to be gay or different. Reality seems to indicate you grow up to be what your genetic make up tells you to be. There were a lot of young children at the event. It was entirely suitable for kids and the kids had a good time. Were any of the kids infected with the desire to be drag queens? Seems like a hard line to sell, but KMOG give it their best try. 

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