Thursday, September 14, 2023

Run, Dogs, Run

What happens when you corner a Hooplehead with logic. It is Run, Dogs, Run. When you call KMOG radio and ask a conspiracy guy a question about his lies, the host will hang up the phone as quickly as possible. When you ask Gary Morris to discuss his lies it is Run, Dog, Run.  When the Hooples have a conspiracy speaker at the funeral home and invite the public, you ask them why you cannot attend, Run, Dogs, Run. 

It is a pattern in life for right wing dingers to leave the conversation as quickly as possible when they know they are up against truth and logic. One little liar will not be able to do the Run, Dog, Run.  Next week Gary Morris will be exposed for his lying in court. Trump doesn't show up in court because like all liars he knows he will be a cornered rat. 

Yesterday Kadizzle asked the Hoopleheads at the conspiracy meeting why he could not attend. No answer, just threats.  Hooples know the danger of serious debate. Hooples fear reality and facts like lightning. Another local Hoople a master at Run, Dog, Run is Michael Heather. Hang up the phone, slam the door, threaten to call the police, but don't explain why.  Watch some asinine congressman get cornered in the Capitol by a reporter, and you can see Run, Dog, Run in action. When Kadizzle cornered Gary Morris recently at the Tea Party meeting it was Run, Dog, Run. 

A real man, a decent human being could answer a simple question.  Why can't I attend? No explanation, just Run, Dog, Run.  Ask Gary Morris " Can we talk about your lying?".  Nope, Run, Dog, Run. 

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