Monday, September 18, 2023

81 People

An astounding figure, 81.  81 people own half the wealth of the planet. How did we get this way? Can you say Republican greed dogs. When Kadizzle saw the 400 million dollar yacht of the Walton greed family, the message was clear, greed is out of control. How much suffering could be cured if the greed dogs did good with the money they stole? While peasants are on strike for a little more than $20 and hour the greed dogs own everything. Kadizzle asked artificial intelligence how much you make an hour if you have a billion dollars. Assuming you get 4% return on your money that would give. you $4,500 dollars an hour 24 hours a day. Now lets ask A.I. how much you would have to spend to get rid of one billion. If A.I. is right you would have to spend $5,500 dollars an hour twenty four hours a day seven days a week for twenty years to get rid of the money. Now, if liars like Trump who claims to have ten billion would have to spend $50,000 an hour. Some of the greed dogs claim to have 50 billion. So do the math. These rats could eliminate so much poverty if they built something besides yachts and big houses. Greed is the problem. 


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