Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Are you an idiot?

Did you ever wonder if you were an idiot? Now the test has become very simple. Donald Trump created the test. If you voted for him you are an idiot. That was really easy. Are  you an extreme idiot? Easier yet. If you want to vote for him again, you are an extreme idiot. There were ways to tell you were an idiot before Trump came along. You could have been in a cult, or church, or fallen for pyramid schemes. You may have had hints you were just not that smart, but along came Trump, and do da, you could tell right away you were an idiot. 

Now what should you do if all of a sudden you realize you are an idiot. First, don't advertise it. Don't put up a Trump flag, wear a Trump hat, or go to Trump meetings. If you do all  your friends, and all the other con men will know you are an idiot. Once you realize you are an idiot, the less you talk the better. People pick up on the verbiage of idiots. Those conspiracy theories are great fun, but zipity do da they expose you as not to bright just to quick. Another bit of good advice. Once you realize you are an idiot, don't hang around with other idiots. Why? Think about it. You go to a Tea Party meeting, anyone who walks in that is normal knows it is a room full of idiots, there you sit. How about a Republican meeting? Same thing, there you are in a bushel of dingers. More than likely you are one. The best thing you can do is be quiet and stay away from other dingers. 

Is there a cure? Maybe. You can try reading real facts. You can change channels, you can stay away from KMOG radio. The real question is, is stupid a choice? Hard to say. One good way to tell how much of a dolt you are is gambling. If you buy lottery tickets, and go to the casino, chances are you have no understanding of math and probability. Understanding these things is basic to getting out of the idiot class. 

Now, there is one special kind of idiot, the rich idiot. Daddy leaves you a bundle. Daddy leaves you a bank or a business that pretty much runs itself. It could be a farm on some good ground. You think you have some sense because you have some money, nope if you voted for Trump, you are still and idiot. 

Wait, there is some hope. Maybe you are not really an idiot. Maybe your dad was an idiot and taught you to be one. If it was a learned behavior, there is hope. If your dad believed a lot of nonsense and taught you to believe the same crap, there is hope. You are what we call a learned idiot, and you can be cured. 

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