Sunday, September 03, 2023

Another crazy day in Barcelona

 Can it get any crazier  The keyboard is in Spanish, so this may be hard. Yesterday, I wanted to rent an electric bike. By some strange act of God a guy walking along asked me if I wanted to rent an ebike. So it ended up very strange. He got me a good deal on a bike, but wanted me to pay him to take me on a tour. JT was a great tour guide, he knew his stuff and took me everywhere. My radar told me he was some sort of con man, but I just cannot make my mind up. JT told me he had been in prison in the U.S for drug dealing. Six years. Also he is an ex alchoholic. We hit it off very well and had a lot of fun. When I have more time I will tell his story of how he go into drug dealing, and how he got caught. According to him he was on the very bottom of Pablo Escabar´s empire in Miami. 

Anyway we hit it off great and had a lot of fun. So today when I went to return the bike, there was JL again. I paid JT too much yesterday, but he took his family out for dinner and was very grateful. JT claims I am getting special treatment. My radar is bouncing on an off about if I can trust him. However, I had what may turn out to be a good or bad brainstorm. Why not have JT go with me in a car and be my guide and interpreter. He wants 40 dollars a day, which seems too much. There are other options. Go by myself by motorcycle or car. May drive toward wife, where her hike ends. Money is flying out the bunghole, so must decide what to do. 

Enough of that insanity. Barcelona is unlike any American city I have seen. the buildings and history are incredible. Had a great time seeing the beach, and of course JT had to show me the topless women. I love to visit marinas when I can. The boats were amazing. One yacht cannot be discribed. It was a 400 million dollar yacht. The size is unimaginable. I cannot find a picture of the yacht, but it was bigger than any of the pictures I could find. May try to upload it later. 

Everyone is very nice here. Buzzing around trying to follow JT on the ebike was totally insane. Amazing we did not get killed or kill anyone. JT ignors all traffic lights and common sense safety, but he is skilled at it. 

Sorry to all Catholics, but seeing the waste caused by the Catholic Chuch on building is astounding. If the church had built things for people instead of pissing away a gazillion on churches humanity would be miles ahead. 

Last, but no least for now. CNN scared me to death today reporting Trump an Bidden are tied. We as a country are in deep, deep trouble. 

Cannot imagine if Trump were to get elected. If the Democrats had any sense they would run someone young. It would be do da. Everyone must fight or the country is gone. The infestation of stupidity is worse than any covid ever could be. 

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