Saturday, September 23, 2023

Jasper Little Bottom returns from Spain on Sunday

Kadizzle has been without adult supervision for at least ten days. That all will change when Jasper Littlebottom returns from her great adventure hiking the Camino Primitivo in  Northern Spain. The 73 year old woman and supervisor of our domain is quite a hiker. The hike is 200 miles long. Peace and quiet have reigned supreme here at the estate with the boss gone, but that will all quickly change. Orders will be barked out, things will be cleaned up, straitened up, and the sun will rise on a different planet. 

Getting Littlebottom to leave the U.S. is difficult, but she has had a good time, and has many tales to report. Littlebottom was able to see Madrid, and took more time to visit some museums and historical sites than Kadizzle did. Today she will do the botanical garden in Madrid. Kadizzle visited it and the size is astounding. 

Meanwhile back here in Hoopleville the Hooples had a court hearing yesterday. The Hooples are obstructionist and in general they oppose the future. If the Hooples could they would outlaw the next day. The Hooples have an organization called "Transparent Payson".  As with every Hoople endeavor there is no transparency. They just held a meeting and only sworn Hoopleheads could attend. The Hooples don't like the fact that the town overturned one of their crazy moves. 

Kadizzle watched some of the court proceeding. The lawyers for the town outgunned the idiot lawyer representing the Hooples pretty seriously. Strangely the Hoople lawyer admitted they did not have a case. Not sure what the exact outcome was, it got so silly and boring Kadizzle left at a recess. The Hooples are against everything. If they could stop sunshine they would. One old Hoople was there that just ended his radio career on KMOG that lasted about a week. That poor Hoople did not understand the mechanics of conducting the fantasy hour on the radio and listeners asked to have him tossed into the dustbin. 

The court hearing revolved around the rights of the town council. The Hooples essentially argued that anything the town council did could be referred to the voters. Of course this would essentially make the town council useless. Hooples love the constitution, except when they have to follow it. The judge should have banged his gave and told the Hooples to get out as fast as they could. 

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