Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Are they in a trance?

 You have met them at your door. Some religious person comes to your door and tries to sell you the most nonsensical crap imaginable. Are they in a trance. It seems so. These people walk around in a special world accepting nonsense as realty. The strange thing is these people are in this state of mind 24 hours a day. You can see this trance like state at the casino, at a Trump rally, in church, and on it goes. A crowd of people believing complete nonsense. How does it work. It must be like gas lighting. Mom and Dad tell Johnny some stuff that is true. Johnny begins to believe everything he is told, that is where the train leaves the tracks and rarely gets back on. The amazing thing is these people can be fully functional and still not be in the real world. Cults are the classic example of people in a trance. The cult members can cook, sew, and build buildings, but a major part of their brain does not function. Do drunks know they are drunk? Probably not. A drunk thinks they can drive a car. The drunk does not comprehend a major part of his brain is asleep. The religious drunk is no different, nor is the Trump cultist. People in the Trump cult send Trump money. What conscious person would send someone who claims to be a billionaire money? 

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