Monday, December 14, 2015

Those Damn Binkles

What is a binkle?  Years ago when Kadizzle was purchasing his first "Smart Phone",  her majesty The Commander said, " What in the hell do you need that for?".  Now many years latter The Commander is addicted to her phone.  If we leave the house and she forgot her phone she panics like her pacemaker went dead.  Texting is the primary cause of binkles.  Everytime someone sends The Commander a text message the little binkle sound goes off on her phone.  Driving down the highway we get a binkle.  At any moment a binkle can come in.  So at night The Commander gives her phone a hug and puts it to bed by her side.  As soon as Kadizzle drifts off to sleep someone fires a binkle on The Commander.  Now a full binkle attack is on.  Usually it is one of the children asking how to butter bread or how long to dip a tea bag in the cup.  Somehow the universe knows when you go to bed so people can binkle you.  As if that is not bad enough a binkle may come in much later.  After The Commander investigates the binkle alert she decides " Well now I am up why not do an update".  The Commander loves weather.  She loves to watch the temperature gauge on the truck when we drive.  The Commander will check the weather every ten minutes.  So The Commander will no doubt do a weather update.  One check leads to another and now Kadizzle is trying to sleep with the bright light of the phone shinning beside him.  Damn Binkles.

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