Thursday, December 31, 2015

That Big Jet Engine is playing my song

That big jet engine will be playing our song, "Thank God and Delta were gone".  Behind us will be cold winds, snow, and being stuck inside.  Back in the glory of sunshine Kadizzle may fire up the Yamaha pony and go for a ride.  Now if you get a burr up your ass and want to get away from the cold, come on down. We don't have anywhere for you to sleep, but we can feed you, wash you, and entertain you. If you bring a tent, and a matt we can make you comfortable.  Back in the wilds of AZ we will resume our job with the Forest Service working on trails.  The Commander, Cliff, and Kadizzle will head up the mountain and get to work.  Sometime in the near future the chrysocolla mine has to be visited to see if Kadizzle struck it rich. Most of the people who made money in the old gold mine days did so by selling stock.  That is the plan for the chrysocolla mine.  Bilk the gullible.  So Kadizzle is offering both stock and partnerships.  You can buy as much stock as you like.  A dollar is fine, or a hundred will work. Part of our plan is to sell as much stock as people want. This will dilute the value of your stock but will enrich Kadizzle. Some of the early investors will get a return from the later investors. The good old ponzi scheme.  Kadizzle may never have to actually go to the mine, but he may have to go to jail. Our second partnership is more difficult.  You put on a back pack we blindfold you and you help carry the precious stone.  You get 50% of what we make. Remember 50% of nothing is nothing, but you might enjoy the hike.

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