Wednesday, December 16, 2015

How is that Peterbuilt running?

Wow, The Commander just spilled something under the sink and she aint happy.  Words suitable for a truck driver are emanating out from under the sink.  When The Commander gets ornery the words can fly.  In just a few minutes if you listen you are qualified to drive a truck. Often when one of these storms erupts Kadizzle says to The Commander " How is that Peterbuilt running".  Peterbuilts have a reputation for being one of the nicer trucks, and that is what The Commander drives.  No matter what happens it is usually somehow Kadizzles fault.  If an asteroid hit our car The Commander would blame Kadizzle for parking in the wrong place.  Now she is under the sink having a good time and she is calmed down.  Apparently that steam release worked.  The engine on the Peterbuilt has been shut off.

Today we leave for home to celebrate Christmas with our children.  Kadizzle is pretty much an atheist but Christmas is fun.  In the last two years we have been celebrating Festivis.  What in the hell is Festivis?  If you watched Sienfield you would know.  George's father invented it.  Festivis is the holiday for the rest of us.  You celebrate Festivis by putting a shiny pole in your living room. The custom is to air your grievances and do feats of manliness.

The Kadizzles have invented their own version.  We celebrate Festivis by building a huge bonfire on the frozen creek by our house.  You sit around the fire, drink beer, and the feats of strength usually involve throwing large logs on the fire.  The amazing thing, and the religious part is that the fire does not melt through the ice.  For the last two years the fire has been a three foot pile of red hot coals.  The ice held.  This year could be touchy. It has not been that cold.  If the ice melts and we all fall into the creek that is a sign from God next year will not be good.  Everyone is welcome to Festivis.

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