Monday, December 28, 2015

A nice little starter home

Today Kadizzle will be off to the Credit Union.  The goal is to borrow enough money to fill a wheelbarrow.  Cheech has decided she needs a home in New York City.  The first house she looked at with her love was a nice brownstone with a hoarder living in it.  Mrs. Hoarder wanted one million for the house which included the dog droppings in the corner.  Mrs. Hoarder will probably get her asking price.  Now Cheech is hot on the trail of another brownstone in much nicer shape.

For someone who remembers when you could get a big candy bar for ten cents, see a movie for 25 cents, or get a haircut for 50 cents, the world has changed.  The closing cost will be close to what Kadizzle paid for his home in 1980.  It is the same old story. Cheech is moving into an area that is becoming "gentrified".  Of course this means you got to get in on the ground floor and the value will shoot right up.  Cheech might be right. She showed me a chart where houses are going up in value 2 percent a week.

Good news, and bad news, if Cheech gets the place someone will be renting the basement apartment from them.  The good news is the income will offset the price, the bad news is if this whole deal breaks the Kadizzles Cheech will have the Kadizzles in the basement.

So Kadizzle will have to go to the bank and pledge the yacht as collateral.  The first time Kadizzle saw his old sailboat listed as a yacht he almost laughed out loud. Not a good thing to do at the bank.  The bank has never seen the tub, but it was their decision to call it a yacht.  It sounds great on paper.  The yacht is insured and if Kadizzle starts to sink surely the yacht will.

The old days are gone.  My other daughter the Snoocher Bear has provided us with a wonderful grandchild.  In the old days you could pop one out and raise a child on bread crumbs.  That day is gone.  Erin has spent more on child care than old Kadizzle spent to put both the kids through a good college.

Try getting sick at today's prices.  Kadizzle's insurance has paid out over 200k for his prostate cancer so far, and a friend is over a million with colon cancer.  The good old trickle down the Republicans have promised better get here soon.  So far we have been trickled on, and it is not money they are trickling on us with.

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